In a world dominated by digital media, the way information is presented has a profound impact on consumer retention. According to a study conducted by Insivia, Internet users would retain 95% of a message when it’s in video form, compared with just 10% when it’s in written form (Insivia, 2018). This statistic underlines the growing importance of video as a communication and marketing tool. This article aims to examine why video seems to have such a significant impact on information retention, and to explore the implications of this reality for marketing professionals, educators and content creators in general.

The superiority of video over text

The human brain is visual

Human beings are visual creatures. In fact, 50% of the human brain is involved in visual processes, and 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual (MIT, 2014). This means that the human brain processes visual information faster and more efficiently than textual information.

Multisensory engagement

The video engages several senses at once: sight and hearing. This allows better retention of information as it is processed by different parts of the brain. In addition, videos can also include elements such as movement and music, which can help reinforce messages and make them more memorable.


Videos can also tell stories more effectively and engagingly than text alone. Stories are a powerful way of conveying information, as they allow viewers to identify with the characters and situations, making the information more relevant and memorable.

Implications for marketing professionals

Increased conversion

Videos are a powerful tool for increasing conversion rates. According to a Wyzowl study, 81% of companies using video as a marketing tool have seen an increase in their conversion rate (Wyzowl, 2021). This suggests that consumers are more likely to take action after watching a video than after reading text.

Improved referencing

Google and other search engines favor media-rich content, such as videos. In fact, a Forrester study revealed that pages containing videos were 53 times more likely to appear on the first page of search results than those without (Forrester, 2010).


The impact of video on information retention is undeniable. Because humans are visual creatures, videos engage several senses at once and tell stories effectively, making them a powerful way of conveying messages and improving information retention. For marketing professionals, educators and content creators in general, this means that the use of video should be a priority. By incorporating more videos into their content strategies, they can increase conversion rates, improve SEO and, ultimately, create a more lasting impact on their target audience.


Insivia. (2018). Video Marketing Statistics to Know for 2018. Retrieved from

MIT. (2014). In the blink of an eye. Retrieved from

Wyzowl. (2021). The State of Video Marketing 2021. Retrieved from

Forrester. (2010). How Video Will Take Over The World. Retrieved from